Submitting a Claim Notification


  1. Financial Representatives need a better way to submit death claim notifications online.

  2. The language we use must be specific to avoid legal issues.

  3. The backend infrastructure is rigid and must be taken into consideration.


Delicately balance the content to be useful for the user, legally acceptable, and account for the backend infrastructure.


Starting out, after initially scoping the content need, I realized how large of a role legal and infrastructure would play in my overall strategy.

Before meeting with either team, I decided to come up with some perfect-world suggestions. These suggestions were what would aid the user with the design the most and would be my base when meeting with both legal and engineering.

I then met with our engineers and talked them through my initial, perfect-world suggestions. They let me know that the backend was very basic and could only account for some of my content suggestions. Though the backend could only have a maximum of 4 statuses, we made the most with that and planned for my perfect-world suggestions (ideal from a user-experience perspective) to be fast follow-up features after our initial MVP.

After the engineers, I met with the legal team and showed them my refined suggestions. After learning about what can make us liable when death claim notifications are submitted, we came to a compromise on my original suggestions that wouldn’t open us up to a lawsuit.

Finally, to keep everyone informed on the copy and how the front-end statuses mapped to the backend statuses, I created a graphic that others can follow to understand how all the copy aligns across the experience.

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 4.24.57 PM.png

With the content and designs finalized, we were able to deliver a more modern, friendly experience for financial representatives to submit death claim notifications. I managed to walk the line between user experience, legal liability, and engineering constraints. I also shed a light on some backend limitations which would be enhanced at a later date, allowing me to provide an even greater experience with more flexibility in my content.

Note: Data in the following images is not real and is used for mockup purposes only.
